Isabelle bébé

Isabelle bébé

samedi 16 avril 2011

The return of Hansel & Gretel

Hello everyone,

On my last blog,  I was at the stage of egg retrieval.  In my last experience, it was a pretty easy process.  Apart from the fact that I lost consciousness, I had not really felt the pain .... well.... there is a french saying that goes like this: "The events look the same, but are not alike."  This is so true!  

Monday morning I went to the Royal Victoria for collection. They asked me to be there at around 10:00 to 10:15 and the collection was scheduled at 11h30. When we arrived, at around 10:10, the nurse came to fetch me immediately. She was a little panicked!

-But where were you?
-We were looking everywhere for you? Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah! Blah!

I told her that I was on time and we were scheduled 11:30. That leaves another 1h15 before it's my turn .....
She told me that they were ahead on the schedule and that they will see me right now.  Good, It's different from the long hours of waiting I'm used to.  

Jay and I are transferred to the waiting room (or recovery room), we put our Coco-Chanel apparel with our handsome and highly fashionable hat.  Once we were dressed up, the nurse proceed to insert the IV.  I'm not complainers, but OUCH!  It's really unpleasant. If I was a Judge, I would have given her a 2/10.  Has she ever done this before?  It looks like it was her first time!!!  She tries super slowly (fast would have been much better) to get a needle into the vein located at the wrist and when it doesn't work, she tries again and again and... OK! Enough Finally she is not capable, then this is another nurse that will come to me to place the IV. She is super pretty with her long curly hair and a sense of humor similar to mine. In no time, she moves the needle where it is suppose to go and fix it in place.  Tadah!  I have to say, I really love competent people. 

Now, this is my turn. I'm happy because it's quick so I did not have much time to think and stress.
This time, it's a woman who will do the Easter eggs retrieval. She is super nice and sweet, but that didn't stop the procedure from hurting.  This time, I felt everything. I guess you only get lucky once. 17 eggs were collected and I felt every one of them. In addition, the Versed / Fantanyl did not give me the joy and hapiness that I felt the first time. Instead, it gave me a feeling of hopelessness, sadness and dizzyness. I felt as if I just learn that both my parents just died. To make a long story short, I am extremely happy it's over and I hope that I never have to do this procedure ever again!

After the collection, I'm happy and I don't feel too bad. Anesthesia is still present, so I don't feel any pain. We are very happy because they collected 17 eggs. Wow! It's three times the quantity of last time. What a good news. During the day, they will fertilize the eggs that are mature and then they will call me to schedule the transfer.  

I got a call Tuesday morning. Of the 17 eggs, 9 were mature, only 5 fertilized and from those 5, there is one of good quality,  2 of medium quality and the others ... not too sure.  I'm going nuts. There's a traffic jam in my head, there was pileup. The thoughts jostle, whirl.  How is this possible? I can not believe it. 17 to 9 to 5 to 1??? 
Ok, Isabelle, trhat's the way it is and you have to accept it and let it go. 
The transfer will take place thursday at 14h30.

On thursday, I got up at about 8:30, then I went for my acupuncture treatment at 11.30. Then Jay and I want for lunch and right after we head straight to the McGill Reproductive Centre. We arrived on the 6th floor at around 12:45 and we waited until 14:50 before it was our turn. 
Thenn we get to the waiting room and get dress. It's exciting and stressful at the same time.  I'm clowning around with Jay. Lol!
It's important that I remain calm and relax.  I decided to do a yoga pose beind the curtain to release the tension and also because I'll be a couple of days without being able to exercise so I take every advantage of it.  I put my hands on the floor and I do the yoga posture Downward Facing Dog.

 Adho Mukha Svanasana

Lol! There is a nurse who has seen my hands and thought that I had fallen. Hihi! She warned though not to this position for the next few days ...
It's our turn, we are heading toward the operating room. This time we brought our camera. That way, we can have a souvenir of the first time we've seen our future baby. We have 2 doctors with us.  Dr. Dahan and another doctor who is doing her fellowship. Dr. Dahan is the physician who will supervise everything.  A fellow is a physician who continues his training by working with experienced doctors.

Both doctors are introducing each other and Dr. Dahan tell us the wonderful news. Hummmmmm! Perhaps, Mme Bergevin is not too far from the truth ......

Mme Bergevin is a psychic that I went to see several times in my life and she predict that I would meet a guy with the letter ''J'' in his name. She said lots of thing about Jay that proved to be true. "She said that he would be a car maniac, he would love racing cars, etc. ..."  I have to say, the word maniac is not representative enough.  Lol!"  She always told me not to worry, I'll be a mother, that's for sure, I'll have children one day. She said that it is very possible that the child doesn't come alone, perhaps two at a time."Spooky" She said that I would have some kind of medical treatments to have children and that the doctor would probably implant the baby in my belly .......
She told me that in 2004.  I met Jay in July 2007.

Dr. Dahan told us that they will inject 2 embryos. Yaya! you heard right.  I have two young coconuts in my tummy.
Here is the first picture of Hansel & Gretel

I am aware that 2 will be a lot of work, but with all of you, we'll get there. They say it takes a village to raise a child. In our case, it will need a metropolis, but I don't care, I know they will have a country to love them! 

Today, it's saturday and We are currently going well.  I got a scare on thursday thought. Jay and his parents had gastroenteritis.  I was really scared of catching it.  It would have been really bad. I kept my distance, I washed my hands and I took my antibiotics than the MD had prescribed. I was well protected, I did not catch the virus. Whew! 

I make sure to take it easy.  I'll go on walks, I read, I relax, I go to bed early. I am doing everything in my power to put all chances on our side. I continue my acupuncture treatments. I got one immediately after the transfer. The next will be Monday and then Friday.

Also, I have the moon on my side....
Dee-Dee, Lachelle's mother, said that the full moon of April was special for fertility.

April Showers Bring May Flowers. We've all Heard That. However, April showers are warmer temperatures and Accompanied by intermittent sunshine. The first spring flowers, herb moss pink, or wild ground phlox, Actually Abundantly grow in April.Naturally, The flowers are pink in color, Malthus The Name for April's full moon.According To The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, this year's pink full moon Will Happen on April 17th at 6:44 pm PST. THROUGHOUT time, People Have Given Names to The Full Moon on Their Own based cultures. The names and Meaning Generally are similar. Today, We Have Our Choice of Many names to Incorporate Into Our magical workings. For April's Full Moon, Sprouting Grass thesis names include Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Waking Moon, Hare Moon and Egg Moon. Each Of These Names Have to do With The Growing earth, fertility.

This full moon will be under the sign of Libra.  It will be in exact opposition with the sun, which will be in Aries.
Every full moon has a special power, but this one is especially beneficial for fertility. The Libra is representative of Venus. Venus is the Goddess, she is Anu, she is the Great Mother.

 (Triple Goddess: Mother, Maiden, Crone)

The timing could not be better. With Easter at our door, we are celebrating the return of life. The flowers are blooming again, the trees bud out, the animals come out of hiding and the birds returned to their outdoor concert. Outside, it's all about life! 
Incidentally, this is also an excellent time for healing.

I take this opportunity to appreciate nature, the beauty of life on earth, I enjoy the caresses of the sun's rays, I meditate on the miracle of life, I thank the Goddess and the God for having created a world so wonderful. (Yeah, it's like anything else, it takes a guy and a girl to create life ...

I will continue to take it relax until 27 April.  On that day, I will go for my pregnancy test.  The only thing that I will not do fur sure is spring cleaning. I don't want to take any chances this time. I've learn my lesson this time ..... ;-)  Besides; I did it last week ... Wise girl!

So tonight, I'll dance naked under the full moon. Just Kidding! Lol
I'll watch some of the hockey game and then I will watch a comedy with my darling.

Here a link for the Mantra that I use for my meditation.  Enjoy!

Gayatri Mantra in sanskrit:

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah


Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yonah:


Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life,
Remover of pain and sorrow,
The Bestower of happiness,
Oh! Creator of the Universe,
May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light,
May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.

Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that "May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". The mantra is also a prayer to the "giver of light and life" - the sun (savitur).

3 commentaires:

  1. I like your blog! This is interesting, i like the image of the little girl up top too!...Daniel

  2. There wasn't any new post. I just wanted to greet you Happy Easter!...Daniel

  3. Thank you very much Daniel. The little girl is me when I was young.
    I saw that you are an artist. I paint as a hobby and it helps me stay relax during the InVitro treatment.
    Thank you for the nice comments.
    Have a gr
    eat day.
