Isabelle bébé

Isabelle bébé

jeudi 24 février 2011

Phase 2 (English)

Hello to all my Bloguinettes and Bloguinôts!
Phase number 2 of treatment IVF is about to begin.

Jay and I went to meet Dr. Holzer on February 8.

We evaluated and analyzed the results and according to Dr. Holzer, there really is no reason that the first treatment did not work. He explained that the results of my tests, blood tests, ultrasound scans were all very positive and had a 50% chance that it works and 50% chance that it does not work. Unfortunately there is no reason and, more importantly, it's not my fault.
He does not believe that the fact that I vacuum and cleaned the household are in connection with treatment failure. He also mentioned that the number of mature eggs were very low according to my age.

I have therefore expressed that I started acupuncture treatments in order to put all the luck on our side. He does not really seem convinced that acupuncture can help. He said there is no study that shows that acupuncture can help, but he says it can not hurt either.  I was a little surprised at his response because Dr. Aina Zhang's brochures are distributed throughout the fertility clinic ...

Since then I've had 4 encounters with Dr. Zhang. At each appointment, I get 30 minutes of acupuncture treatment combined with high frequency. In addition, Dr. Zhang prescribe me Chinese herbs that I must drink 2 times a day. Currently, I am taking Dioscorea opposita (rhizome)

YAO SHAN (Chinese yam) Dioscorea opposita 

Shan Yao is the root of Chinese yam. Neutral, sweet flavor, 
He has an affinity with the Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys. It is a tonic 
Soft tones Spleen, Lungs, Kidneys and fortifies leJing. 
very appropriate in cases of chronic diarrhea (for empty Rate), chronic cough or bronchitis, and also in cases of Kidney weak, particularly among the elderly ... 



Dr. Holzer has changed my treatment protocol. At the first attempt, I had the short protocol, now I'll make the long protocol. Youppi ....I am soooooooo happy, I will have more injection.......not!!

My next treatment will start on March 1 next, in 5 dodo, and it will last longer.

First, I'll get oral contraceptive (Marvolan) for 21 days.
On March 18th, I'll add injections of buserelin.
(Buserelin injection of 0.5 ml once a day)

At first I was a little worried about taking Buserelin .......
Here is what is written on the bottle :

For the palliative treatment of prostate cancer hormone at an advanced stage ....... 

I thought: "OMG, what will they make me take!"

Effect of Buserelin on the system: 

During your IVF cycle the response from your ovaries may vary because of the influence of the pituitary gland. Suppression of the pituitary gland helps us to achieve optimum stimulation, increased number of eggs and embryos and most importantly prevent your ovary from releasing Easter eggs prior to egg collection. 
They use either Buserelin injection or Naferelin nasal spray to achieve suppression of the pituitary gland.
The Buserelin injections are taken once a day just under the skin at exactly the same time each day. 
As the ovarian suppression is achieved Imay notice side effects such as hot flushes,  overnight sweats.  It is important that Buserelin injections are continued at the same time of day until the doctor advise me to stop.

Then, on March 31st, I'll go at the Royal Victoria to get an ultrasound. This will allow, as before, to check and make sure that I have no cysts or other problems that could be worsened by taking hormones. Once the doctor determines that everything is fine, I'll start hormone injections.

This time, I will inject a greater dose of GonalF.
(225 IU Instead of 150 IU)
The quantity of Luveris remains the same. (75 IU) 
I must continue to take buserelin in smaller dose (0.05 ml) twice a day without stopping, until the end of treatment.

The next eggs collection should occur during the week of April 11-12-13. I am a lot less apprehensive this time because I know I will be well supported by the medical team. I will return to "Lalaland". I hope that this time, I'll keep both feet on the ground.

We hope that this time, there will be several follicles, more mature eggs and especially several embryos. I will continue acupuncture treatments until we have received a positive response.

Fertilization of the eggs takes place immediately after collection. Normally, the clinic called me the next day to let me know about the results of fertilization.

The transfer should take place around April 13-14 or 15. This will be the birthday of my parents. April 13th (Daddy) and April 14th (Mom).
What a nice gift for them.
Our fingers are crossed ..... This time, it will be good.

You will hear from me soon.
Thank you for your support. It makes me really happy to hear from you.

Phase 2

Bonjour à tous mes Bloguinettes et Bloguinôts!
La phase numéro 2 du traitement est sur le point de commencer.

Jay et Moi sommes allée rencontrer Dr. Holzer le 8 février dernier.

Nous avons évalués et analysés les résultats et selon Dr. Holzer, il n'y a pas vraiment de raison que le premier traitement n'a pas fonctionné.  Il nous a expliqués que les résultats de mes tests, prises de sang, échographies étaient tous très positif et que j'avais 50% des chances que ça fonctionne et 50% des chance que ça ne fonctionne pas. Il n'y a malheureusement aucune raison et que surtout, ce n'est pas de ma faute.
Il ne croit pas que le fait que j'aie passée la balayeuse et fait le ménage aient un rapport avec l'échec du traitement.  Il trouve par contre que le nombre d'ovules matures étaient très faible selon mon âge.

Je lui ai donc fait part que j'avais commencée des traitements d'acupuncture afin de mettre toute les chance de notre côté.  Il ne semble pas vraiment convaincu que l'acupuncture puisse aider ou non. Il dit qu'il n'y a aucune étude qui démontre que l'acupuncture puisse aider, mais il dit que ça ne peut pas nuire. J'étais un peu surprise de sa réponse étant donné que les brochures du Dr. Aina Zhang sont distribuées partout dans la clinique de fertilité...

Depuis, j'ai eu 4 rencontre avec Dr. Zhang.  À chaque rendez-vous, je reçois 30 minutes d’acupuncture combiné à un traitement de haute fréquence.  De plus, Dr. Zhang me prescrit des herbes chinoises que je dois boire 2 fois par jour.  Précentement, je bois du Dioscorea opposita (rhizome)

SHAN YAO (igname chinois)Dioscorea Opposita
Shan Yao est la racine de l'igname chinois. Neutre, de saveur Doux,
Il a une affinité avec la Rate, le Poumon et les Reins. C'est un tonique
doux qui tonifie la Rate, le Poumon, fortifie les Reins et leJing.
très indiqué dans les cas de diarrhée chronique (par vide de Rate),
de toux chronique ou bronchite, et aussi de dans les cas de 
Reins faibles, notamment chez les personnes agées...
Partie utilisée : le tubercule


Dr. Holzer a changé mon protocol de traitement.  Lors de la première essaie, j'avais le protocol court, maintenant je vais faire le long protocol. (+) de piqûre!!!!

Mon prochain traitement débutera le 1er Mars prochain.  Dans 5 dodo.

Premièrement, je vais prendre un anovulant (Marvolan) pour 21 jours.
À partir du 18 mars, je vais ajouter des injections de buserelin.
Injection de Buserelin 0.5 ml un fois par jour.

Au début, j'étais un peu inquiète de prendre Buserelin.......
Voici ce qui est inscrit sur la bouteille.....

Pour le traitement palliatif du cancer hormonodépendant de la prostate à un stade avancé.......

Je me disais: "Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils vont me faire prendre lâ lâ!"

Effet de Buserelin sur le système:
Durant le traitement IVF, la réponse des ovaires peut varier à cause de l'influence que la glande pituitaire a ceux eux.  Les médecins utilisent donc la médication Buserelin pour suppresser l'influence de la glande pituitaire afin d'obtenir une stimulation maximal, une augmentation de la quantité d'ovules et d'embryon et surtout, afin d'éviter que les ovaires relâche les ovules avant la collection des petits oeufs de Pâques.  

Ceci crée une ménopause temporaire.  Je vais donc expérimenter la ménopause à 36 ans. Quel privilège. 

Bouffée de chaleur >>>
L'insomnie >>>
La fatigue >>>
Les palpitations >>>

Ensuite, le 31 mars, je vais me présenter au Royal Victoria pour passer un échographie.  Ceci va permettre, comme la première fois, de vérifier que je n'ai pas de kyste ou autre problème qui pourrait être aggravé par la prise d'hormones. Une fois que le médecin aura déterminé que tout est beau, je vais débuter les injections hormonales.
Je vais désormais m'injecter 4 fois par jour.

Cette fois-ci, je devrai m'injecter un plus grande dose de GonalF. 
(225IU au lieu de 150IU)
La quantité de Luveris demeure la même. (75 IU)
Je dois continuer de prendre un plus petite dose de buserelin (0.05 ml)
2 fois par jour sans arrêt, et ce, jusqu'à la fin du traitement. 

Le prochain prélèvement devrait avoir lieu autour du 11-12-13 Avril. J'ai beaucoup moins d'appréhension cette fois-ci, car je sais que je serai bien prise en charge par l'équipe médicale.  Je vais retourner dans "LaLaLand".  I espérant que cette fois-ci, je garde les 2 pieds sur terre. 

Nous espérons que cette fois-ci, il y aura plusieurs follicules, plusieurs ovules matures et surtout plusieurs embryons.  Je vais continuer les traitements d'acupuncture jusqu'à ce que nous ayons reçu une réponse positive.

La fertilisation aura lieu immédiatement après le prélèvement.  Normalement, la clinique me téléphone dès le lendemain afin de m'informer à propos des résultats de la fertilisation.

Le transfer devrait avoir lieu autour du 13-14 ou 15 Avril. Ce sera l'anniversaire de naissance de mes parents le 13Avril (papa) et le 14 Avril (maman).  
Quel beau cadeau pour eux.  
Nos doigts sont croisés..... Cette fois-ci, ce sera la bonne.

On se reparle bientôt.
Merci pour votre support. Ça me fait vraiment plaisir de recevoir vos commentaires.

lundi 7 février 2011

It's stressful becoming parents!

It's stressful being a parent!

I'm really sorry, It's been a while since my last blog.
Here's a summary of the Ups and Downs of Isabelle Louis XVI

Sunday night ............... beginning of the Man flu!

From my trip to the Emergency Room, I brought back:
Virus, Fever, Sore throat, shivers, big cough, many boxes of kleenex,

I can not go to the emergency room without bringing back memories with me. (At least it has nothing to do with the private section that I mentioned in my last blog. Lol!)

My Gosh! I feel like the %$#&%?%?
I wake-up in the middle of the night, my PJ's is soaking wet. I'm hot, I'm cold. I'm exausted.
Hummmm! I am pretty sure this is a really bad timing for being sick like this. I hope it will not prevent implantation (Nidation). Bad timing!


In humans, implantation is an event that occurs early in pregnancy in which the embryo adheres to the wall of uterus. At this stage of prenatal development, the embryo is a blastocyst. It is by this adhesion that the fetus receives the oxygen and the nutrients from the mother to be able to grow.
Implantation occurs approximately 9 days after ovulation, ranging between 6 to 12 days. There are many conditions that must be satisfied in order for a successful implantation to take place. There is only a specific period of time during which implantation is possible; this is the "implantation window". A reason for this window is that if implantation does not occur at a certain time, then it signifies that something is wrong. And when there is a risk that something is wrong, there will most likely be a miscarriage rather than the continued gestation of a malformed fetus.

Wednesday Night 1:30 am............. Insomnia.
I am not able to sleep, I turn and turn and turn.
I got up for the third time.  I pour myself a glass of warm milk.  Usually, that helps!

Meanwhile, I started to watch TV a little.  South Park is playing.  This is the episode about the Church of Scientology. That is funny and also sooooooo stupid!
Tom Cruise has locked himself in the closet and he doesn't want to come out of the closet.  Get it?? Tom Cruise is in the closet! He will not come out of  the Closet! Come on Tom....please come out of the closet!!!

Here's a link to see this episode if you're interested:

Thursday morning
Yep!  I finally felt asleep...zzzzzzzzzzz
I am not sure if it's because I was sick for three days or if it's because I didn't sleep well last night, but I'm extremely stressed out this morning. I woke up early, i did another pregnancy test and it's still negative. Snif! Snif! It drives me crazy!

I am very edgy, I'm sad, I am down and I cry for nothing.
I am convinced that the transfer did not work. I believe it's over, I feel differently today and I don't like that.
I think it didn't work and it's my fault. I think it's because of my flu. I think I should not have clean the house on wednesday. I think I didn't rest enough......I am convinced that if it did not work, it's my fault......and I am sad.

I look for signs that I am pregnant, but I'm not certain if they are real or caused by all the hormones that I take.
I hate not knowing if I am pregnant or not.
I hate being in the unknown.
I'm sad and I am having a bad day.....

Go! Go! Go! Isabelle Cheer up.
You've got to change your mind, think of something else.
Go shopping!!!! Just kidding!

During my time of desperation, I called Jay to ask him if he could be home early tonight. I want us to spend a nice evening together. Shortly after our phone conversation, I received a very long text from him. I will not divulge the contents of the text, I'll keep it to myself, but I still wanted to tell you that this text really helped me to be positive, it made me smile.
Thank you for your love and support Jay.  You are truly an amazing man.
I know now that we will be able to deal with the results no matter what will be.

Saturday morning
The pregnancy test is still negative, but I read that I shouldn't trust those pee test!
It seems that they are not always reliable. I'll wait until Tuesday for a blood test.

A lot of people are telling me that my eyes are sparkling, they think that I am definitely pregnant........
I have nausea that follows me throughout the day. I never thought I would be happy to feel like I'm about to vomit!
And................never the less.......... you should see my breast......Let's just say that Jay is very happy!

We are now Monday morning
I will not go buy another pregnancy test because if it's still negative, it will really bring me down
Patience Isabelle patience .......tomorrow you will know for sure.

Monday night
Anne-Marie bought me a pregnancy's not me...I didn't buy it so it's OK.'s still negative........Downer!

I'll finish this blog by saying ................
It's stressful, very stressful becoming a parent!

And it's not over...... This is just a beginning.... (ENGLISH)

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Thank you very much for your encouragement and support.

This morning I went for a pregnancy test at the Royal Victoria.
My very nice and friendly nurse Acia took some blood for the pregnancy test.
She also kindly explain that this is a stressful and difficult time for me.

The medications I take (Estrace and Prometrium) reproduce all the symptoms of a pregnant woman. My body is affected by all theses changes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm pregnant.

We'll know for sure when we have the results from the blood test, but in the meantime I'm trying to be calm and less stressed as possible. It is difficult because for the past month, all my life revolve on creating a baby, becoming pregnant, taking medication, injection, blood test, ultra sounds, etc...  It's hard to think about something else.

Acia told me to be confident that it did work.  She thinks that I look different.  She also told me not to refer to the pharmacy test.  Apparently, they may not be very efficient, accurate. You may get a false negative or a false positive.
So I'm crossing my fingers that the test is positive, but my gut feeling is not very encouraging!!

Last week, I was very sick.  I started to have fever on sunday and it lasted until wednesday.  (All thanks to the visit to the ER) On wednesday morning, I felt different.  I had the feeling that it was over...that the baby was gone......I wonder if my intuition is good.......

Finally, I got the answer at 15.00.
The test is negative. I'm not pregnant.
The nidation didn't happen. Snif! Snif!

Jay and I are very confident it will work out the next time, but this is still very sad.
Who knows.......perhaps ..... the next time ..... the doctor will transfer 2 embryos.

I am convinced that nothing happens for nothing in life. So we must see the bright side of things. We will roll up our sleeves, we will start again and next time will be the good one.

Meanwhile, I'll take the opportunity to get some rest, because now I know it's very exhausting.

I stopped taking the estrace and prometrium.
I made an appointment with Dr Holzer and we will establish a schedule for the next attempt.

Now!  I must do my grieving for a Libra baby.
Future baby might be a Sagittarius, a Capricorn or an Aquarius!!!!

And it's not over
This is just a beginning
The real sun has yet been seen
No it's not finished
This is just a beginning

ER (English)

I am not sure if all the things that happened to me were intended to make my blog more interesting, but I must admit that there was a lot of action since last Saturday (January 22).

Finally, the nurse from the reproductive center called me back on Saturday at around 14:00 and she seemed quite alarmed.
She told me that I had a small period of aphasia and she wants me to go to the emergency room as quickly as possible. I told her that I was now feeling very good and that I have time to go to Royal Victoria, it would be less complicated to see a MD there, but she insisted that I go to the emergency that is closest to me...

I was alone at my clinic in Laval, so I called Jay to inform him, then I drove to Sacré-Coeur Emergency room.  On my way there, I called my friend Nicole.  Nicky works at Sacré-Coeur, maybe she has connections so I can see a doctor faster?!?! I really don't want to spend the next 10 hours there. Unfortunately, there's not much she can do to make me pass faster. She suggested me to look very very sick.  Apparently, it will help!

When you arrive at the emergency, you must take a ticket.  This will allow you to see a nurse at Triage. This step is very fast. I arrived at the emergency room at 14:40 and I saw a nurse almost immediately.  Triage is the most important phase of going to the emergency room.  You must be a very good actor and show that you are really sick and that you have are in life and death danger, otherwise you can spend a week in the ER.  I guess I'm not a good actress, because I was classified code 3.  It means that my condition is serious, but that I can wait. My condition is stable.  It's almost like an F for failed because at 6:00 p.m. I was still waiting. So I decided to try acting a little bit more and I went to see the nurse in Triage again.

2 minutes later, my name was called and I was asked to go in the roome 7.
Yeah! my acting skills improve...... Not!
I got tricked!  Little teasers ... They just changed the decor of my waiting room. Now, instead of being in a large room with people who cough, who have fever, who drools, well, I am now all alone in a room.  I waited 45 minutes alone in this room.  ????? Thank God that it was urgent for me to go to the nearest emergency room!! Cheers bureaucracy.

PS: Just want to let you know that there are now sections of the waiting room reserved for people who vomit and have diarrhea? The said sections are well marked with large signs. On signs, it is written: RESERVED for patients who are VOMITING or have DIARRHEA.
I'm just laughing all alone thinking about this poor guy sitting all alone in this section. Lol!

Dr. Steve Martin finally arrived in the room 7. (His name is Dr. Daoust, but he reminded me of Steve Martin, so I changed his name ...)

DR. Martens tested my motor skills, balance, vision, etc. ... It looked like he was trying to see if I was impaired. Hihi!
I am not here because of a DUI, I am here because of an ICT.
Then, after he puts a light beam in my eyes for a few seconds and he blinded me, he asked me to follow the tip of his finger. I don't think it's fair, isn't it cheating???

Finally, he explained that it was very difficult for him to really know what happened.  He will order some test and will see me again later when he will have the result.

So I have to go for a CT SCAN, An electrocardiogram and a blood test. (6 vials)

*** Meanwhile, he asked me to stop taking the estrace (estrogen), until he has a better idea of what happened. He explained that estrogen may be a contributing factor to the blood clot .***

A little before meeting Steve Martin, I phoned Jay and I asked him to meet me at the ER with my medication. I was worried because I was suppose to take my dose of 2mg of estrace and prometrium 200 mg at 2:30 and it was now 18:00. I fear that stopping the hormones might have an impact on the baby.

When Jay arrived, I was really glad to see him. It's the best feeling in the world to know that you can count and rely on someone. Thank you my darling!

I immediately took a dose of progesterone, but I did not take the estrogen as per the Dr. advise. I hope it will not cause a problem.

I did the scan, the electrocardiogram and blood tests. The 3 test did not take more than 30 minutes, I was taken care of really quickly.
Now we must await the results.
We waited another two hours before seeing the doctor. At least there was a hockey game on TV.
GO Habs GO!

Finally, we saw Steve Martin at 20:00.
He said the scan was fine, that the blood tests were normal. It was difficult for him to say what really happened. He prefers that I meet a neurologist the next morning and he wants me to stop taking the estrace until the neurologist makes the decision.

In terms of the electrocardiogram test came out abnormal.
It seems that I have Wolff-Parkinson-White! The doctor told us that this is not serious, that I should not worry.

Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome (WPWis a heart condition in which there is an extra electrical pathway (circuit) in the heart. The condition can lead to episodes of rapid heart rate (tachycardia).
Normally, electrical signals in the heart go through a pathway that helps the heart beat regularly. The wiring of the heart prevents extra beats from occurring and keeps the next beat from happening too soon.
In people with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, there is an extra, or accessory, pathway that may cause a very rapid heart rate. This is called supraventricular tachycardia.


On Sunday morning I went to the ER of Sacred Heart Hospital to meet with the neurologist.
Dr. Sidel. was extremely nice and he took the time to explain what he thinks happened on Friday night.
He thinks I had a TIA .

Transient Ischemic Attack:  is an episode in which a person has stroke -like symptoms for up to 1-2 hours. A TIA is often considered a warning sign that a true stroke may happen in the future if something is not done to prevent it.

Dr. Sidel, told me that there is not much I can do except stop treatment with estrogen. "That was his suggestion."

I told him that I did not intend to give up the InVitro treatment or trying to get pregnant. He then told me that this is a risk I have to understand, but that if I want to continue then he can prescribe me some aspirin to prevent future blood cloth.   I will have to use Aspirin throughout my pregnancy. This will help make the blood more fluid, thus avoiding clots. He told me that I should be monitored for high risk pregnancy. He gave me the coordinates of a OBGYN specializes in high-risk pregnancies. He also told me that synthetic estrogen or real estrogen would have the same effect on me.  Apparently, estrogen create a higher risk of Stroke in women, especially when we are pregnant.

I left the emergency room at about 11:00 and I headed straight home.  Just before I left, I started to take my medication once again. (estrace and prometrium).  I really hope this will not have a bad effect on our future baby .......

Well, it appears that estrogen is not really necessary. (That's what the nurse at the Royal Vic told me.) Apparently, some reproduction center don't even give estrace to their patient.  That's the progesterone that is really important. Oufff!!!!
When I 'll go to the hospital on tuesday for the pregnancy test, I will ask the doctor if I can stop the estrace. It is probably wiser.

Good day Mate!
Isa, Jay and maybe.......... Baby J.B.
Bonjour mes ami(e)s,

Et bien oui, l'aventure continue.
Cette semaine, j'ai entrepris des traitements d'acupuncture afin d'aider à la réussite du projet:
Création Bébé Jaybine the Win Junior.

Le 3 février, journée de mon anniversaire, je suis allée rencontrer Aina Zhang. Elle est docteure en médecine chinoise (comme Tanya) et elle offre des traitements d'acupuncture spécialisés pour l'infertilité et les traitements IVF.             

Je me suis donc rendu à la clinique de NDG pour mon rendez-vous de 15h45.  Le traffic était abominable, je suis partie de Laval à 15h00 et je suis arrivée à la clinique à 15h55.  Normalement, le trajet aurait dû me prendre 15 minutes maximum. La morale de cette histoire: Ne jamais avoir à ce rendre à Montréal entre 15h00 et 19h00......pis s'il a neigé la veille les heures deviennent de 6h00 à 9h30 et de midi à 20h00. Outch!

Dès mon arrivé, on m'a fait remplir un formulaire avec pleins de questions (4 pages), ensuite j'ai rencontré l'assistant de Dr. Zhang et finalement vers 16h30 j'ai rencontré Dr. Zhang.
Elle a commencée par vérifer mon poul et elle a trouvé qu'il était bas.
Lors du prélèvement des ovules au Royal Victoria, le médecin a prélevé 3 ovules.  Dr. Zhang trouve que ce nombre est vraiment trop bas considérant mon jeune age. ;-)

Elle m'a dit que mon système reproducteur était probablement très lent et elle aimerait travailler avec moi (au moins 3 mois) afin de lui redonner l'énergie nécessaire pour obtenir des résultats optimum lors de mon prochain traitement IVF.
Selon Dr. Zhang, le problème provient de mes reins.

Pour mon premier traitement, elle m'a prescrit un traitement d'acupuncture de 25 minutes et quelques herbes chinoises que je dois prendre pour 7 jours.

PS:  Elle écrit en Chinois alors, je ne suis pas trop certaine ce qu'elle écrit vraiment, mais je lui fait confiance que ce qu'elle dit et écrit est très similaire.  


(J'ai écrit Merci Dr. Zhang pour votre aide....Vive Google translation!!!)

Après ma rencontre avec Dr. Zhang, on m'a dirigée vers une autre salle et un gentil jeune homme m'a décoré avec des aiguilles de Noel!

J'en avais 2 dans chaques oreilles
Une dans le front au niveau du troisième oeil.
Une dans chacune de mes mains entre le pouce et l'index.  (Je trouve que c'est l'endroit où c'est le plus sensible)
Il en a mis plusieurs au niveau de mon ventre, autour de mon nombril, au niveau de mon système reproducteur.
Et finalement, quelques aiguilles au niveau de mes mollets et de mes chevilles.

Ensuite, il a installé une lampe chauffante au dessus des aiguilles au niveau de mon ventre.  Ça créait une chaleur, mais ce n'était pas incomfortable. Je suis restée comme ça pendant 25 minutes.  J'essayais de relaxer et méditer pendant le traitement.  Pas facile la méditation!!!

Après le traitement, la réceptionniste m'a donné....en fait j'ai acheté des herbes chinoise que je dois prendre pour les 7 prochain jours.
Je dois prendre du DangGui 3 fois par jour, 30 minutes après le repas, et ce pour 4 jours.  Ça se boit comme un thé.  Ça goute un peu le celeri et le fenugreek.  C'est pas mauvais, mais ce n'est pas bon non plus.

Après, je dois prendre une autre herbe pour 3 jours.  Je ne sais pas c'est quoi. C'est écrit: 

Après mon rendez-vous chez Sinocare, je me suis rendu chez Maman et Papa Bouvier, car ils m'avaient organisé un souper de fête. Lorsque je suis arrivée, Jay a trouvé que j'avais les pupilles très dilatés.  J'imagine que c'est un effet du traitement d'acupuncture.

Mon prochain rendez-vous d'acupuncture sera jeudi et mardi je dois rencontrer Dr. Holzer.  On va avoir une meilleur idée des prochaines étapes de traitements.  Selon moi, nous recommencerons en Avril.  Je vous tiens au courant.

Merci à vous tous pour votre support et je vais continuer de vous informer grâce à mon blog.

mardi 1 février 2011

Et c'est pas fini....C'est rien qu'un début.

Bonjour à tous et toute,

Merci beaucoup pour vos encouragements et votre support.

Ce matin, je suis allée passer un test de grossesse au Royal Victoria.
Ma très gentille infirmière Acia, m'a fait une prise de sang et elle a également eu la gentillesse de m'expliquer que c'est un moment stressant et difficile pour moi.

Les médicaments que je prend (Estrace et Prometrium) font en sorte que j'ai tous les symptômes d'une femme enceinte.  Mon corps vie tous ces changements, mais cela ne veut pas dire nécessairement que je suis enceinte.

On va le savoir pour sur lorsque nous aurons les résultats de la prise de sang, mais en attendant, je dois essayer d'être sereine et le moins stressée possible.

En plus, les test pipi ne sont pas nécessairement très efficace, précis.  Il est possible d'avoir un faux négatif ou un faux positif.
Je garde donc confiance et je me croise les doigts pour que le test soit positif mais mon guts feeling n'est pas très encourageant!!!!

Finalement, j'ai reçu la réponse vers 15h00.
Le test est négatif.  Je ne suis pas enceinte.
Le zygote ne s'est pas accroché.  Snif!  Snif!

Jay et moi, on est très confiant que ça va marcher le prochain coup et peut-être.....qui sait.....le médecin va peut-être en implanter 2 le prochain coup.

Je suis convaincu qu'il n'y a rien qui arrive pour rien dans la vie.  Alors il faut voir le beau côté des choses.  Je vais me retrousser les manches, on recommance et la prochaine fois sera la bonne.

En Attendant, je vais en profiter pour me reposer, car maintenant je sais que c'est très épuisant.

Je dois arrêter de prendre l'estrace et le prometrium.
J'ai pris un rendez-vous avec Dr. Holzer et nous allons établir le calendrier pour la prochaine tentative.

Il faut que je fasse mon deuil d'un bébé Balance.
Le prochain sera peut-être Sagittaire ou Capricorne....

Et c'est pas fini 
C'est rien qu'un début
Le vrai soleil on l'a pas encore vu
Et jusqu' aujoud'hui
On a rien vécu
La grande extase on l'a pas encore vu
Non c'est pas fini
C'est rien qu'un début
Mais c'est le plus beau des commencement........