Isabelle bébé

Isabelle bébé

lundi 7 février 2011

It's stressful becoming parents!

It's stressful being a parent!

I'm really sorry, It's been a while since my last blog.
Here's a summary of the Ups and Downs of Isabelle Louis XVI

Sunday night ............... beginning of the Man flu!

From my trip to the Emergency Room, I brought back:
Virus, Fever, Sore throat, shivers, big cough, many boxes of kleenex,

I can not go to the emergency room without bringing back memories with me. (At least it has nothing to do with the private section that I mentioned in my last blog. Lol!)

My Gosh! I feel like the %$#&%?%?
I wake-up in the middle of the night, my PJ's is soaking wet. I'm hot, I'm cold. I'm exausted.
Hummmm! I am pretty sure this is a really bad timing for being sick like this. I hope it will not prevent implantation (Nidation). Bad timing!


In humans, implantation is an event that occurs early in pregnancy in which the embryo adheres to the wall of uterus. At this stage of prenatal development, the embryo is a blastocyst. It is by this adhesion that the fetus receives the oxygen and the nutrients from the mother to be able to grow.
Implantation occurs approximately 9 days after ovulation, ranging between 6 to 12 days. There are many conditions that must be satisfied in order for a successful implantation to take place. There is only a specific period of time during which implantation is possible; this is the "implantation window". A reason for this window is that if implantation does not occur at a certain time, then it signifies that something is wrong. And when there is a risk that something is wrong, there will most likely be a miscarriage rather than the continued gestation of a malformed fetus.

Wednesday Night 1:30 am............. Insomnia.
I am not able to sleep, I turn and turn and turn.
I got up for the third time.  I pour myself a glass of warm milk.  Usually, that helps!

Meanwhile, I started to watch TV a little.  South Park is playing.  This is the episode about the Church of Scientology. That is funny and also sooooooo stupid!
Tom Cruise has locked himself in the closet and he doesn't want to come out of the closet.  Get it?? Tom Cruise is in the closet! He will not come out of  the Closet! Come on Tom....please come out of the closet!!!

Here's a link to see this episode if you're interested:

Thursday morning
Yep!  I finally felt asleep...zzzzzzzzzzz
I am not sure if it's because I was sick for three days or if it's because I didn't sleep well last night, but I'm extremely stressed out this morning. I woke up early, i did another pregnancy test and it's still negative. Snif! Snif! It drives me crazy!

I am very edgy, I'm sad, I am down and I cry for nothing.
I am convinced that the transfer did not work. I believe it's over, I feel differently today and I don't like that.
I think it didn't work and it's my fault. I think it's because of my flu. I think I should not have clean the house on wednesday. I think I didn't rest enough......I am convinced that if it did not work, it's my fault......and I am sad.

I look for signs that I am pregnant, but I'm not certain if they are real or caused by all the hormones that I take.
I hate not knowing if I am pregnant or not.
I hate being in the unknown.
I'm sad and I am having a bad day.....

Go! Go! Go! Isabelle Cheer up.
You've got to change your mind, think of something else.
Go shopping!!!! Just kidding!

During my time of desperation, I called Jay to ask him if he could be home early tonight. I want us to spend a nice evening together. Shortly after our phone conversation, I received a very long text from him. I will not divulge the contents of the text, I'll keep it to myself, but I still wanted to tell you that this text really helped me to be positive, it made me smile.
Thank you for your love and support Jay.  You are truly an amazing man.
I know now that we will be able to deal with the results no matter what will be.

Saturday morning
The pregnancy test is still negative, but I read that I shouldn't trust those pee test!
It seems that they are not always reliable. I'll wait until Tuesday for a blood test.

A lot of people are telling me that my eyes are sparkling, they think that I am definitely pregnant........
I have nausea that follows me throughout the day. I never thought I would be happy to feel like I'm about to vomit!
And................never the less.......... you should see my breast......Let's just say that Jay is very happy!

We are now Monday morning
I will not go buy another pregnancy test because if it's still negative, it will really bring me down
Patience Isabelle patience .......tomorrow you will know for sure.

Monday night
Anne-Marie bought me a pregnancy's not me...I didn't buy it so it's OK.'s still negative........Downer!

I'll finish this blog by saying ................
It's stressful, very stressful becoming a parent!

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