Isabelle bébé

Isabelle bébé

samedi 22 janvier 2011

Stress 101 (English)

Live from Montreal It's Saturday Morning!!!!!!

It's so beautiful today. A beautiful winter day, Freezing cold,-19C, blue skies and sunshine that dazzle the eyes.

I am currently in my clinic in Laval, I'm meeting a few customers today. This is still a relaxing day. I'm pretty fit considering my day and my night yesterday.

Friday afternoon, I was exhausted. Around 13:30, I went to take a nap of 10 minutes. I was desperately trying to find the energy to come and work at the clinic. I always have a few customers on Friday between 15h00 and 20h00 and I must be there to greet them.

Once I left the house, my fatigue seemed to vanish and then I managed to do a lot of paperwork at the office.

Around 16:30, I took my hormones Estrace and Prometrium as usual. I have to take them 3 times a day at 8 hours interval.  At around 17:30, I was starting to have difficulty seeing my computer screen. I could see the outline of the screen, my peripheral vision seemed correct, but I wasn't able to see the center of the screen. I struggled to focus. Strange!

At first, I attribute this sign to the fatigue. In addition, I just ate a soup, so I know it's not because I'm hungry or have a drop of energy.

Then I try to make conversation with one of my clients. I really have trouble grasping my ideas, I have problem to explain simple procedure to the client, I forget words.  I'm not worried, at attribute these to everything that is going through in my life, but I find that very strange. So I decided to stop talking and get some rest before leaving.
The symptoms lasted about an hour an a half, then I started to feel better. I left the clinic at around 19:00 and headed home to rest. I was trying not to think about it, but I something kept telling me that it was weird and it's certainly not normal.

This morning when I arrived at the clinic, I checked on the internet in order to understand the medication that I am taking and their possible side effects.

Here's what I found:
It says.......Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur:

Loss of coordination (sudden)
Loss of vision or change of vision (sudden)
Slurring of speech (sudden)

WELL, WELL!!!!!!! It's a good description of how I felt yesterday!!

So I phoned the IVF clinic and I left a message for a nurse to contact me as soon as possible. I rather let them know , I don't want to take any chances although  I feel very good today. So please, don't worry. (I'll let you know)

Apart from that, well I think my stress level is at its peak.
You know, we women, we have a GIFT!
We are capable of thinking all the time, without stopping!
So last night, that's what I did!
last night, I was tired , so I decided to go to bed early and get a good night sleep. I went to bed at around 9:45. (For those of you who don't know, I have a sore back and right leg CHRONIC PAIN!  Generally, it decides to hurt when I go to bed.) 

TA! DA! No exception last night. Normally, I try to endure as much as possible and then if the pain does not leave, I take one Advil or something else if the pain is unbearable, but now I can not really take any medication, therefore I endure. I wake up several times, stretching, etc. ... I try again ... could not sleep. I discovered, a few years ago, that when I put my right foot in ice water, it makes the pain go away for a few minutes. (That's for sure, I can not feel my foot either) So I decided to give it a try last night, I got up and I sat down, by the sink, with my right foot in the icy water up to ankle. I stayed like that for 5 minutes and then try to go to bed. Great, It works!

5 or 10 minutes later I am awakened by the phone !!!!! &?%?#
This is Simon, A.K.A. Dr. Maltais who wants me to convince Jay that it's correct if he want to go out, that he can, Boys night out!!! For sure Simon, this is correct, you don't need to wake me up for that.

When Jay arrived home around 0:45, I was not asleep yet. (Well no, my honey didn't party til the wee hours!)

Eventually I ended up falling asleep not long after, but it didn't last long.
I woke up about 3 times in the night to go pee and then one time I put into my head that I felt different. tThat my breast were not has sore anymore, that must mean something.....Maybe it did not work, that maybe .............!!!

My God, I'm neurotic or what ?????
2 weeks of waiting before we can know for sure if it did work is really an ordeal....14 days of waiting for a response is too long.

Ah yes, I've not said .... last Thursday, I read some information on the treatment InVitro and then it said that this waiting period was predominantly the most stressful part. Really?? They also said that for those who could not wait two weeks (They was talking about me there), it was okay to do a pharmacy pregnancy test. (I went to buy 4. Lol!) I already did one on Thursday afternoon, but I think it was too was negative. *** 

*** Once your pregnancy test in your possession, you must determine the most appropriate moment to use it. The timing to make your urine pregnancy test is essential if you want to obtain reliable results. When should you make your pregnancy test? You have to wait about ten days after fertilization, or a few days after the alleged return of the rules (at least three days). It is at this precise moment that the hCG is high enough to be detected by a urine pregnancy test .*** 

I did mine only 5 days after fertilization !!!!!! 

Anyway, trust me, I will not waste the other tests.  I'll probably try another one early next week. I'll let you know.

In the meantime, I'll eat the Crack! Cookies that Mom Bouvier made for ME!
No! I will not share. Sorry!

Isa, Jay & Baby J.B.

1 commentaire:

  1. Oh sweetie, im keeping my fingers crossed for you.Come one baby Isa-Jay, hang in there, We want a french-Canadian cousin to play with:-D

    Happy thoughts, lots of love and best whishes
    Baby Rose, Pernille and Jakob

    Love you xoxoxoxo
